This Is Flow

You know when I find a parking spot right in front of the shop I want to go into?

When people smile at me and let me through without me having to ask?

What about those times that the call to Telkom goes to an agent immediately instead of taking me around in circles inside their file 13 automated voice prompt system?

And when the taxi driver slows down to let me in to the lane he’s barreling down?

And when there are no traffic jams on my way to work or home?

When all the photos I take are simply perfect!

When I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow and I wake up feeling refreshed.

When all of those things happen on the same day – that’s FLOW!

Entered in today’s WordPress one-word prompt – Flow.


4 thoughts on “This Is Flow”

    1. Hehehe 🙂 –
      It’s been ok so far, although the call to the phone people took a while to be picked up.
      Oh well, tomorrow is another day to be flow-ful.
      Hope you’re having a flow-ful day too.

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