Tag Archives: family

I’m Back…

The title above may seem flippant given that my absence from blogging was due to a bereavement in my close family circle. My brother-in-law passed away in December after being ill. Things got chaotic after that. I’ve been off work to support my sister and niece for a month and I go back on the 28th. On Wednesday it will be a month since he passed.

Meditation has kept stress and anxiety under control, although there are times that I wake up with the hands of anxiety trying to close around my heart. Things have begun to settle after the g-force pace of change of the last 3 weeks. I’m drained physically and emotionally. Homeopathics have helped, in particular, aconite and ignatia. So have walks with my niece followed by ice-cream 😉

Click on image to go to source.


Keeping Organised

I find that an oversized wall mounted year planner is useful to visualise all my various activities during the year.

Part of 2018 is already planned, such as next week’s trip to Belgium to attend a training course and the trip to Thailand for my company’s international coach camp. I’m excited about this one because Che is coming with me and we’re spending the week after the coach camp travelling Thailand.

Having this up also helps me plan vacation time, taking advantage of long-weekends for some R&R and of course, birthdays.

It’s located at the entrance to our bedroom, a locale that ensures I will see it several times a day.

Che finds it particularly useful because he can see where I’m going to be on a particular day, or week, especially when I need to travel out of town or outside of the country. I put flight numbers and times, hotel and Airbnb details on post-it notes and stick it at the bottom of the relevant month.

For 2018 I’m also going to put my vision board up with my year planner, to ensure that whatever I do is in line with what I want to achieve next year.

I use google calendar to manage all my client bookings, work meetings and coach camps, and a real paper diary too – this latter helps me with reminders and personal appointments. Where personal appointments fall on a working day, I will also block out this time on the google calendar.

This works for me.  How about you, how do you keep your life organised?