Tag Archives: share your world

Share Your World January 2nd 2023

It’s been a good long while since I participated in this challenge. Here are the first SYW questions for 2023:

Did you stay up to see the New Year in? 

Yes, watching movies. No party, just another night. It’s simpler that way.

Are there any special occasions or events coming up in 2023 for you or your family?

My niece is turning 21 next month and I’m looking forward to spending time with her and my sister in Cape Town celebrating.

Do you keep a diary?

Sometimes. Much of my life is documented – photos, Instagram, work activities. This doesn’t count if you’re referring to a diary as in writing down thoughts, feelings, etc. But it’s something, right?

How did yesterday differ from January 1st 2022 or was there no difference?

The same, just in a different location. And not everyone was there. So not the same, different. But the same, if you know what I mean.


For health, family, happiness, autonomy, travel, work that I love, working with people that are dear to me, the anticipation of an exciting new year.

Until the next time!


Share Your World – January 1, 2018

Every Monday Cee posts four questions part of the sharing your (my) world. Click here for this week’s one, which fell on January 1st – the first one of the year on the first day of the year.

What one word describes you best?

Determined maybe. Focused perhaps. Ambitious? I’ll go with all three. Empathetic. Compassionate. Soft-hearted. If I answer this question tomorrow the word(s) will be different.

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What is set as the background on your computer?

The standard Mac wallpaper of waves lapping the beach. I don’t find it particularly useful to have a wallpaper that I never see because of all the apps I have open. I do have a screensaver slideshow of my photos, those that I’ve posted on this blog.

If you have been to a foreign country name those you have been to?

I’m going to Belgium on Thursday for a training course. I’ll be there a few days before to get to know Ghent, the city I’ll be at. I’m travelling via the Netherlands. So Belgium and the Netherlands are two countries I’ve never been to and will, this week, although the Netherlands is just in passing (for now). In July Che and I are going to Thailand. I’ve visited so far:

  • Born in Mozambique
  • Live in South Africa
  • Namibia
  • Swaziland
  • Portugal
  • Mauritius
  • USA
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Maldives
  • India

I want to get one of those wall maps of the world that you scratch off each country as you visit it, like one of these Scratch Maps.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  

Christmas and New Year week and I appreciated time with family, food and the lovely hot weather.

Here is this week’s SYW quote:

Click on image to go to source