Tag Archives: oddball photos

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 45

Johannesburg experienced extreme thunderstorms this week. A flash flood ripped through the east of the city, flooding one of the major freeways during peak hour traffic.

Cars washed away, people drowned and ordinary South Africans came together to help each other out of dangerous situations. There was untold damage to buildings and factories along its path.

In another part of the city the ground washed away bringing down the boundary wall of the Johannesburg Zoo. All the animals were safe though. And none escape so the inhabitants of the area were safe too 🙂

I took these photos from the 12th floor of the Radisson Blu hotel in Sandton where I was at the time on a training course. Taken from behind windows and through the glass of the lift-shaft.

It was a beautiful day…

Through the glass... ©2016 Regina Martins
Through the glass…
©2016 Regina Martins

Then the storm approached…

Impending storm ©2016 Regina Martins
Impending storm
©2016 Regina Martins

I saw that the storm was an ugly one, but didn’t know then how severe its impact was. With the difference in light you can see the reflection of the light fitting in the room.

Joburg storm ©2016 Regina Martins
Joburg storm
©2016 Regina Martins

Entered in Cee’s OddBall Photo challenge this week.


Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 44

Honoured to have been selected as a Featured Blogger by Cee with this post!

I took this photo while on the hop on hop off bus in Munich. I liked the vapour trail of the plane above so decided to capture it. I then saw that part of my beanie’d head was also visible. I almost made it my profile pic on Facebook 🙂

And a few more photos that are just…well…oddball.

img_5935 - Cee Oddball - reginamartins.com


img_6048 - Cee Oddball - reginamartins.com


img_5641 - Cee Oddball - reginamartins.com

Can you see the doll’s feet peeking over the edge of the plastic sandpit?

img_5636 - Cee Oddball - reginamartins.com

Entered in Cee’s Oddball Photo Challenge this week.