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Ready, Set, Done

WordPress's daily promptToday, write about anything — but you must write for exactly ten minutes, no more, no less.

When I was a child I wanted to be a teacher. After school I enrolled for a teaching degree at university. On the first day, I walked into the Pedagogics class, turned on my heel and walked right out again. It didn’t take me long to realise that it was so dry that I’d need to drink copious amounts of alcohol to make it through three years. Because it was still the first week and subjects could be exchanged for others, I decided to switch to Latin instead! Ok, so you know what I did next don’t you? I walked into the Latin class, turned on my heel and walked right out again. It didn’t take me long to realise that it was so dry that I’d need to drink copious amounts of alcohol to make it through three years of it. So it being the first week I switched to Law…it took me six months to realise that it was as dry as the previous two subjects but by then it was too late to switch. I made it through one year of Law.  And there was alcohol. It was the law of Persons and the Family and the textbook was Boberg. I was star struck when he delivered some of the lectures. I loved reading about the cases, it seemed like a soap opera to me, but when it came to memorising the statutes…well, that was another thing altogether! In my second year I switched tracks altogether.  Ten minutes are up. Over and out. Done.

Click here to read other interpretations of this prompt.