Tag Archives: bones

Share Your World – Week 39


I have been meaning to participate in this weekly meme from Cee’s Photography and just never got around to it. Today is the day.

It is especially welcome to have such a meme as a post today because having just arrived home from work, I needed something to stimulate creativity.

If you want to see more responses to these questions, go on over to Cee’s Photography – just click here.

Did you ever get lost?

I must admit that I seldom get lost. With regards to directions, I am able to go to a place once and the route will be imprinted in my memory. When looking at map books (yes, I do prefer them to GPS devices because I like to look at the big picture) or following written directions I visualise the route in my mind before getting into the car. If I have not travelled a part of it then I memorise the turns, left here, right at this road. This gets me to my destination every time.

Who was your best friend in elementary school?

My best friend in elementary school was my next door neighbour, Edelweiss. She is Italian and was two years behind me in school. In spite of that we got on very well. After walking home from school, and after our homework had been done, one of us used to go to the garden wall and call to the other. We played for the rest of the afternoon.

Since the news television season has started in the US, list three favorite TV shows.

The three I have waited for are:

1) The Blacklist – James Spader, need I say more. One of my favourite actors.

2) Bones – how was that Season 2 opening episode? I am still shell shocked!

3) Marvel Agents of Shield – I am a sucker for anything to do with Marvel Comics.

If you were a mouse in your house in the evening, what would you see your family doing?

Taking our time about cooking a meal, eating at 10pm every night, Che and I falling asleep on the couch. No kids you see…

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for after-dinner cappuccinos around a campfire last Monday night. I am grateful for the public holiday on Wednesday (Heritage Day) where I caught up on much needed sleep. I am grateful for the great bread maker I recently bought – oh what tasty bread it makes!

This week I am looking forward to The Blacklist, blogging every day, and starting my gym fitness program once again.

By the fireside
By the fireside