Tag Archives: public speaking secrets

A to Z Challenge: F is for Fluttering Butterflies

Fluttering butterflies, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, a vice-like constriction of the lungs resulting in shallow gasp-like breaths, <enter here what you feel when nerves take over rational thought> – everyone feels nerves differently and deals with them differently. The important thing is how they are dealt with in such a way that they do not cause the speaker to abscond or hide in the loo. Continue reading A to Z Challenge: F is for Fluttering Butterflies

A to Z Challenge: E is for Eye Contact

Week 2 of the A to Z Challenge and I am still going strong –  I chose a nice easy theme, one that I know well for my first ever A to Z challenge. I am enjoying all the blogs I have read and hopefully am leaving comments, like the ones below:

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