Weekend Coffee Share: The Blogging Edition

Welcome to Weekend Coffee Share: The Blogging Edition. There is all manner of coffees and teas. But there is nothing to eat because I haven’t stocked up on non-perishable supplies this week. That said, I am planning on baking a cake later. I have enough supplies for that.

A word to describe January

Natalie The Explorer asked for a word to describe January and the one I chose was ‘blogging’ because I posted 21 times (22 times with this post) and rekindled participation in a few challenges. The last time I did more than this amount was in September 2017 with 24 posts.

Multitasking bad, bad multitasking

I was busy this week with training and more work activities. There was so much multitasking that I reminded myself many times to slow down and do one thing at a time. In fact, that works for me every time – I accomplished all that I needed to.

Rain, rain, and more rain

The weather was the dominant topic of discussion among Joburgers this week. Last week we experienced the tail end of cyclone Eloise. This week we’re still experiencing rain, wind and thunder although I can’t attribute it to Eloise. This pattern is not new to Joburg in summer. However, what makes this different is that it is continued rain with barely a hint of blue skies and sunny weather. Now, this is an anomaly for us because we have the most beautifully clear and sunny weather 90% of the time.

Cat activity

Needless to say, the cats spent a lot of time indoors although there are times that they are in the garden in the rain! Right now Nermal is sleeping, leaning against my leg and BC is hiding somewhere in the house. They’re displaying some sense (for a change 😉 )

Well, that’s it from my side. Tell me about your week.

Until the next one.


Weekend Coffee Share is hosted by Natalie the Explorer. Click on this link to see more coffee shares.


Which Way photo challenge – January 29 2021

The Which Way photo challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on. 

I loved Ghent and on my wonderings, I visited the Stam Ghent City Museum where fascinating exhibits are to be found. One of my favourites was a whole bunch of aerial photos of Ghent’s stitched together and placed under perspex on the floor.

To walk on it you needed to wear booties that the museum provided. That. is such a stunning way to get the whole visual perspective of a city.

The museum removed this exhibit last year to make way for something new and sold all the panels to interested parties. If I lived in Ghent I would’ve bought one 🙂

Which Way Photo Challenge
Walking on Ghent. Can you see my bootie covered feet at the bottom of the photo?
©2021 Regina Martins
Which Way Photo Challenge
A panorama of the panels of Ghent at STAM Ghent City Museum
©2021 Regina Martins

Also, check out The Bridge Over the River Kwai in last week’s Which Way photo challenge.