Weekend Coffee Share: Berlin Edition #5 – I Miss Hugs!

If we were having coffee it would have to be via Skype or we’d need to hangout on Google. I’m still in Berlin and the coffee here is very good! I hope your cup is good too. I’m passing a bit of time writing this post before I go to the airport to catch my connecting flight to Joburg via Frankfurt.

Even though I haven’t been in my normal environment I’ve managed to blog every day. Have you read my posts? No worries, I’ll put the links to them at the end of this post.

If we were having coffee I’d lament me needing to replace the screen of my iPhone. I dropped a glass bottle of Arnica oil on it. The phone still works though 🙂


I also managed to get a pre-paid SIM card and I felt much better being able to navigate using Google Maps while walking in Berlin.

My foot is better. At the beginning of the week it looked worse as the bruising to the soft tissues was deep and the discolouration only started to show a few days later. The photos I posted last Sunday were pre-funky blue and purple colours.

I’ve walked a lot in the past few days and I was worried it would make it worse – but it seems to have made it better. The Arnica Oil has been helping and I can see the bruising starting to change and fade. Both of my feet have been sore though, as I favoured my right foot to take some of the weigh off the left one.

Some random thoughts:

  • The weather at the beginning of the week was cold but yesterday and today it’s actually warmish and a bit humid. I’m looking forward to summer weather again though.
  • The markets are down again. It’s not one thing but rather an agglomeration of factors. Honestly, I can’t wait for some stability, is that asking for too much?
  • I’m not going to do much blog hopping. If you don’t see me around your spaces much all I can say is – I’ll be back. Just need to get back to South Africa and settle in a bit.

Being away from home, one of the things I miss the most are hugs. So when I get home to South Africa – all of you who are going to come into contact with me – you’re gonna get a hug from me and I want a tight one back because that’s one thing I’ve been missing this past week. Consider yourself warned.

That’s it for this week. Meet me again next week.


Easy links to this week’s posts:

Berlin Edition #1: I’ve Found The Coffee Place, Now All Is Well With The World

Berlin Edition #2: The Brrrr One

Berlin Edition #3: The Psssssst…Off One!

CCY Photo Challenge: Week #5 Leading Lines

Berlin Edition #4: WordPress Weekly Photo – Ornate Brandenburg Gate

Weekend Coffee Share is a weekly blogging link up hosted by Diana from Part Time Monster. Click here to read more coffee shares.


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10 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: Berlin Edition #5 – I Miss Hugs!”

  1. Consider yourself hugged long-distance. Maybe one day, if God allows, I can deliver it in person.

    1. Ah yes, I hadn’t linked the two things 🙂
      I arrived in Cape Town today for a few days, had a whirlwind lunch with my husband at OR Tambo before boarding. I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed on Thursday night.

    1. It’s amazing the gap that adult hugs fill. I hadn’t thought of it that way until you mentioned it. That’s exactly how I feel 🙂

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