A to Z Challenge: Z is for the Zen of Public Speaking

This may be stretching the meaning of the word a little…

Much has been covered in this series. From dealing with nerves, to industry talks and general speeches, how to use words and language to good effect and tips on using your voice.

All the skills you learn, tested through experience build on each other to help you become a confident public speaker. It is cumulative.

I realised some time ago that when I speak in front of an audience, all time stops. It is like I am an observer – of me – self-correcting as I go along.

I mentioned the adrenalin rush in the previous post. That is what that feels like – the adrenalin – putting me into a zen-like state.

It is an euphoric feeling. Some people like bungee-jumping. I prefer talking in front of an audience.

I cannot believe that I have survived the A to Z Challenge. I did not post every day although I did post on every letter of the alphabet. There were some days that I played catch-up, the worse day being last Sunday (I caught up on 4 posts!). I hope that there will be an A to Z Challenge survivor badge…

This post is part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge and Twitter id is @AprilA2Z

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4 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge: Z is for the Zen of Public Speaking”

  1. Well done for finishing!
    Yes, there is a survivor’s badge. I ended up writing 33,770 words during the challenge, although I did write more than one post for a couple of letters. I was proud of writing so much but it also reinforced the need to write less. Cut the words back.
    My Z post was about Taronga Zoo, Sydney…the Zoo with a View!

  2. I hate the part where I am watching myself and correcting myself as I speak. I would much rather correct myself after I’ve finished speaking! Really. I prefer it when I just zone out while I speak. Much better results that way.

    Congrats on finishing A to Z. Yes, there is a survivors badge. It’s on the A to Z blog if you haven’t seen it yet.
    Corina recently posted…Coffee, Coffee, Who Wants Coffee?My Profile

    1. Thanks Corina. I found the badge and it’s up. It was easy the first 2 weeks, then the going got a bit tough. I will do it again next year though

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