Tag Archives: swakopmund

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – June 22, 2018

It’s been a while since I’ve participated in this challenge, which also happens to be my favourite of Cee’s challenges. Let’s see where Which Way is taking us today.

A grueling ferry trip across a short expanse of sea and we’re in Catembe in Maputo. The last time I was there the ferry was packed with cars, trucks, lorries, and people. A bit too crowded for me, but the day we spent in Catembe was soulful and memorable.

Pier at Catembe, Maputo, Mozambique
©2018 Regina Martins

Namibia is one of my favourite places on earth, and Swakopmund my happy place when I’m there. At the bottom end of town next to the lighthouse is a craft and curio market. Swakopmund has tar roads but the vast majority are salt roadways, like this one.

Salt roadway in Swakopmund, Namibia
©2018 Regina Martins

Musical steps at a restaurant in Joburg, they didn’t play music, but I suspect that those are song lyrics on them.

Stairway with song lyrics, Johannesburg, South Africa
©2018 Regina Martins

Entered in Cee’s Which Way Challenge.


26 Weeks Letter Challenge: L

This is the week of the letter “L”. The light in the photo below is right across from my family apartment in Lisbon. It must’ve originally been powered by gas (a couple of hundred years ago), lit each evening by the gas-lighters. Eventually electrified, not sure when, it’s a beacon of Home for me.

Old Lisbon streetlight, Bairro Alto ©2016 Regina Martins
Old Lisbon streetlight, Bairro Alto
©2016 Regina Martins

Sam’s Giardino desert lodge in Swakopmund is gorgeous and serves a great breakfast.

Sam's Giardino guest lodge in Swakopmund ©2016 Regina Martins
Sam’s Giardino guest lodge in Swakopmund
©2016 Regina Martins

The lighthouse at Cabo S. Vicente close to Sagres in Portugal is the most southern point of the European continent. Ahead is the Atlantic Ocean until you hit the North American continent. Another beacon, this time alerting ships’ captains of danger.

Lighthouse at Cabo S. Vicente ©2016 Regina Martins
Lighthouse at Cabo S. Vicente
©2016 Regina Martins

A lemon from our tree.

Lemons from our tree ©2016 Regina Martins
Lemons from our tree
©2016 Regina Martins

A welcome sprig of lavender in my room at the Pat Busch Mountain Reserve.

Lavender just for me ©2016 Regina Martins
Lavender just for me
©2016 Regina Martins

Taking part in Lori’s 26 Weeks Letter Challenge. It’s easy to participate. This is what you need to do:

  • Create your own interpretation and title it: 26 Weeks Letter Challenge:
  • Tag your post to the weekly challenge so others can see it and play along.
  • Get you post in before the following weeks challenge.
  • Use as many pictures as you like representing the weekly letter.
  • Use archived or new pictures. Let us see what you have…
  • Have fun with it…