I’m in search of the perfect bag. Have been since high school. The search for that illusive bag that carries all that I need, not too bulky or heavy, where all items have their own neat slot thereby making each easily accessible. Who, in all seriousness, doesn’t want this bag?
I believe that most people have quotes they use time and time again. Do you have such?
The awesome and terrible thing about using quotes is that they are verbal shortcuts. Therein lies the rub. The awesome thing is that a quote will quickly convey myriad meanings fast. The terrible thing about quotes is that they can become rather annoying especially when someone talks in quotes or uses the same ones all the time.
I like to use quotes some times. I want to share with you the ones I like the most because they are expressive.
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher