Category Archives: List Posts

40 Questions Answered

I’ve seen this meme in so many of my fellow blogger’s pages, that I’m deciding to do it too. These Q&As are such fun…go on, join me and do it too. Just copy the questions and put in your own answers (off course ;-))

I copied this from Cee’s blog.

1. Do you like blue cheese?  Yes, I rather enjoy it with crackers and port after a meal.

2. Coke or Pepsi?  Neither, I don’t drink fizzy drinks and usually stick with water. Now, champagne or bubbles I would have, with a meal, irrespective of whether there is an occasion to celebrate. Health, happiness and family are enough reasons to celebrate and have some champagne, or bubbles!

3. Do you own a gun?  No.

4. What flavor of Kool-aid? I don’t drink sweet drinks.

5. Hot dogs?  Nope, I prefer to eat whole foods all the time…boring I know…and off course, I prefer vegetarian food, or fish and seafood.

6. Favorite TV show?  Right now, 12 Monkeys!!!!!!!! And The Blacklist, can’t wait for season 6…and then it must end, it’s time to wrap it up, producers. And of course, Brooklyn Nine Nine…no wrapping up continue on into multiple seasons.

7. Do you believe in ghosts?  I don’t know…

8. What do you drink in the morning?  Coffee with milk, no sugar.

9. Can you do a push-up?  No. I want to though.

10. Favorite Jewelry?  My wedding rings.

11. Favorite Hobby?  Reading.

12. Do you have ADD?  No.

13. Do you wear glasses?  Yes, since the age of 22. I alternate between contact lenses and glasses. Right now I’m wearing lenses.

14. Favorite cartoon character?  Mickey Mouse.

15. Three things you did today?  Blogging, walked 20 minutes in total, ate a banana.

16. Three drinks you drink regularly?  Water, cappuccino, tea.

17. Current movies?  I want to watch the new Mamma Mia movie.

18. Do you believe in magic?  Yes.

19. Favorite place to be?  My house.

20. How did you ring in the New Year? Spent with my family, had champagne at midnight, went to bed.

21. Travel? I love to travel. I want to go to the Seychelles and back to the Maldives.

22. Name five people who will most likely read this? Hopefully 5 of my fellow bloggers…go on, hit the like button 😉

23. Favorite movie? The movies I watch over and over again and never get tired of include Strange Days and Love Actually.

24. Favorite color?  Green, emerald green.

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?  I’ve never slept on satin sheets. 

26. Can you whistle?  Yes.

27. Where are you now?   At home in the lounge, with Nermal the cat sleeping next to me.

29. Favorite food?  Dhal and rice with spinach.

30. Least favorite chore? Tidying up the house.

31. Best job you can think of? Writing or editing. From home.

32. What’s in your pockets? Nothing.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Nermal the cat.

34. Favorite animal?  Nermal the cat.

35. What’s your most recent injury?  I sprained my ankle and ligaments in 2015 after I got up without realising my feet were numb as a result of having fallen asleep on the couch with my legs curled under me.

36. How many TV’s are in your house?  I don’t have a TV.

37. Worst pain ever?  Passed kidney stones when I was in my early 20s.

38. Do you like to dance? I love dancing, any dancing. Especially the Brazilian Samba.

39. Are your parents still alive? Yes, and I give thanks for this every day.

40. Do you enjoy camping?  No no no no…


100 Happy Thoughts – The Final 20

And now for the fifth and final instalment of 100 happy thoughts (100/100). Click here to read the first 20, here for the second 20, here for the third 20 and here for the fourth 20.

Day 81  – Looking forward to working with a new client in November.

Day 82 – I flew to Cape Town to give a talk, and I’m glad I did it.

Day 83 – I was early for my flight back to Joburg so was able to relax in the lounge.

Day 84 – It’s Fridayyy! ‘Nuff said.

Day 85 – Food shopping with Che.

Day 86 – Being woken up by Che with coffee.

Day 87 – A lovely hot day, wonderful aromatic coffee for breakfast and Netflix binge in the evening.

Day 88 – Staying in a lovely Airbnb close to my client. The hostess is friendly and accommodating.

Day 89 – This client has a Vida 2 Caffè on their premises. That’s all I need to be happy.

Day 90 – I’m home sleeping in my own bed again. I’ve written this many times before and you must be wondering why…? No. Ok! But I’ll tell you any way that travel is part of what I do to be close to my clients and Airbnb is a lifesaver.

Day 91 – I’m happy to be able to sit still in one place and turn out a blog post.

Day 92 – Food shopping with Che and Netflix binge in the evening.

Day 93 – I started working with a new long-term client and am so excited about it.

Day 94 – I’m training a large group of people and day 2 of the training involves teams building a scale model of a whole resort out of paper to help the participants put the scrum theory into practice. It’s always a lot of fun for them and for me and incredible to see what they come up with – have a look (infrastructure can be drawn but the rest has to be 3-D).

Day 95 – Flew to Cape Town for the Scrum Gathering and this time Che came with me. It’s his first gathering and it’s lovely sharing my world with him. Speakers dinner was at Black Sheep on Kloof Road. The food was divine and the conversation with fellow speakers stimulating.

Day 96 – My first workshop is over and it went well! A fellow agilist introduced Che and me to El Greeyo Cuban House of Coffee in Salt River. The coffee was great and he bought us a bag of coffee beans. Looking forward to trying it out at home in our drip filter coffee machine.

Day 97 My second workshop is over and it also went well! And I’m thinking of last night’s dinner with Che at Balducci‘s at the V&A Waterfront. It was wonderful to escape the madding crowd of the conference, and have a dinner all on our own. We arrived without a reservation, took a chance, and it paid off. It was full but there was a table for two in the midst of a busload of German tourists. The food was delicious and the service commendable.

Day 98 – Our long-weekend in Cape Town begins today, and we’re staying at an Airbnb in Gardens, our favourite area of the city bowl. It was lovely staying in, cooking our own meal and watch Netflix. Tomorrow we explore.

Zeitz MOCAA: natural light from the tops of the silos combine with strong electrical light to create wonderful coloured effects, which remind me of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
©2017 Regina Martins

Day 99 – The day has finally arrived – visiting the Zeitz Mocaa museum of contemporary African Art! I’ve gushed about it enough on the site. Click here to see photos – The Silos Transformation.

Day 100 – Flew back home and, as usual, it’s lovely to be sleeping in my own bed again. It was incredible seeing the skill of the pilot as he manoeuvred the plane to avoid the thunderstorms over Joburg. Such a big machine and it glided effortlessly as it banked more than usual to line up to the runway.

Whew! I’ve reached the end of the 100 Happy Thoughts, inspired by Hazel from My Nutty Dubai. My wish for you is for many happy thoughts 365 days of the year. Happy 2018!