Berlin Edition #1: I’ve Found The Coffee Place, Now All Is Well With The World!

Yes, that very long post title is exactly what it is – a very long post title! I can’t lie – I know there is good coffee in Germany so on my way into the office I deliberately looked out for coffee places – I needn’t have worried because they’re all over the place! And because of that all is well with the world!

Ok, I’ll stop with the exclamation marks now…(!)

I landed in a dense Frankfurt fog this morning before the birds were even up. The hop to Berlin was exactly that – a hop. As soon as the plane reached cruising altitude it started its descent. Like flying from Joburg to Durban or Maputo.

I desperately wanted to get a city map at the airport in Berlin but didn’t find a place that had them. I wanted to see where my hotel was in relation to the airport – I like to orientate myself like that. Anyway, when I didn’t find one I caught a taxi cab and stressed all the way in case I didn’t have enough money to pay the driver. Only cash no cards. I needn’t have worried though.

Berlin traffic is busy. I didn’t expect that. Don’t ask me why, it was just a perception that nothing is worse than Joburg traffic. For me, at least. I’ve been snapping away although I haven’t tried very hard to take nice pics – these were all taken en route to somewhere.

At this time of the year the myriad of colours of the leaves on the trees is astounding.

I’m staying on the eastern side of Berlin, and it looks like a blend of bohemian-trendy-young-and-earthy.

Lunch at an Italian place was tasty, I smelt the garlic as soon as I walked in. (I’m posting pictures of food…can you believe it?)

I'm posting photos of food AND watermarking them, can you believe it...? ©2015 Regina Martins
I’m posting photos of food AND watermarking them, can you believe it…?
©2015 Regina Martins

My favourite pic though has to be this one – coffee to go and coffee to stay. I know where I can get my fix. All is well with the world.

Coffee to go and coffee to stay...all is well with the world. ©2015 Regina Martins
Coffee to go and coffee to stay…all is well with the world.
©2015 Regina Martins

I slept little on the plane so I’m going to snooze now before meeting up with colleagues for dinner.

Hope your day has been and will be awesome (covering different time zones).

Until tomorrow…


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6 thoughts on “Berlin Edition #1: I’ve Found The Coffee Place, Now All Is Well With The World!”

  1. Feeling stressed and worried is common when you are away from your land ( No matter how prepared you are) . When it comes to worst traffic then I think my country (India) and especially my city (Delhi) win the title and there’s no close competition. Would love to see some more photos of your Berlin trip.
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    1. I visited India a few years ago and I did experience some very busy traffic, in Delhi and on the way to Jaipur. The road to Jaipur had roadworks so that really caused quite a backup of cars and trucks.
      I will post more photos, I took some of the wall today.
      Thank you for leaving a comment, I appreciate it a lot 🙂

      1. Here, you’ll always find construction work going on at one place or another, no matter when you visit it. As you’ve visited India and have experienced it so you know it very well.

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