Good evening friends!
Lately, I’ve barely managed to get one post out a week, sometimes two. Social Entrepreneurship studies are wrapping up and there’s still a fair amount to do, especially with my Action Learning Project. Oh, and 2 assignments are due on Wednesday.
Then there is work and I’ve also been away, both for work and leisure 🙂
I’m grateful to Cee to come up with such amazing challenges which I’m enjoying participating in. In this post, I’m sharing my world and if you like reading such posts, go on to Cee’s site and check out more entries – just click here.
Right, now for the questions and answers.
Was school easy or difficult for you? How so?
I remember it being easy. I was lazy and left things to the last minute, didn’t enjoy homework and didn’t study enough. I could’ve aced all my subjects but I don’t like studying so…
List some of your favorite types of animals.
What is your favorite large city you have been to? What is the one thing you remember most?
San Francisco! The Golden Gate bridge without a doubt. I was gobsmacked when I walked on it. I was finally there. I never thought I would ever visit…until I did. So, keep your dreams alive and work towards them. You will surprise yourself, for sure.
What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week? Â Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.Â

I’m going to Cape Town on Thursday to do a talk, and I know I’m going to come back with more Table Mountain pictures.
Until then…have a great week!