I Am A Rock – Myths About Asking for Help

WordPress daily writing prompt: Is it easy for you to ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to rely only on yourself? Why? Click here (I am a rock) to read other interpretations of today’s prompt.

I am a rock, I know that. There have been many times that I have relied solely on myself to get something done. It is much more fun though, to work with and through other people. I learn something new every time I do this.

The other side of the coin of being a rock, is the proverbial “no man/woman is an island”. I know I am not an island, and I have no issue with asking for help. Or with others asking for help.

Continue reading I Am A Rock – Myths About Asking for Help

Wednesday Windows on Wide Eyed In Wonder 11-Jun-2015

I’m in the middle-of-the-week creativity slump, so I’m starting a weekly Wednesday feature – Wednesday Windows on Wide Eyed in Wonder.

I will be posting a photo of windows (the ones you look out of, not the ones that are prefixed by the word “Microsoft”). I seem to take a lot of them wherever I go, so it must count as a fascination or maybe just plain obsession.

You are welcome to join in the feature – there is no theme other than “windows”. If you do join leave the link to your post in the comments below.

As you can see this is by no means a professionally run weekly feature or challenge. I’m doing it to indulge my fascination, so if you have one too, please do join.

The window below belongs to an old building situated in a narrow road in Lisbon’s Bairro Alto.  The buildings have been standing for over a hundred years. The  building on the left is now being renovated, top to bottom. I can’t wait to see it. The lamp on the bottom of the photo was once gas-fired. I wonder, as I look at these windows, at the people who looked out of them on to the street below. Who were they? Were they happy? What was their story?

Wednesday windows Lisbon by reginamartins.com
Window on an old building in Lisbon, Portugal

Please do join in the feature.