I’m a Naked Niche Blogger!

I finally know what I am. A Naked Niche blogger!

There are parenting bloggers, food bloggers, DYI bloggers…there are bloggers for all niches. They seems to have loads of followers and build up an audience quickly.

And then there’s the non-niche bloggers, like me. We blog about many topics. Often I don’t know what I’m going to write about as I open my laptop. I call myself an eclectic blogger. I like the term Naked Niche blogger too.

Jen@MuddyBootDreams says it so well: “We’re the ones who go from topic to topic, changing our subjects like our socks.  We touch on various ideas.  We express our thoughts and our feelings, learning and trying different things as we go.”

With regards to audience she goes on to say: “Your so-called “audience” is made up of real people: bloggers that you follow, and who follow you. They care about what you write, and they come to read your blog because they like you, and you like themThey are not just anonymous commenters who stop by occasionally to learn how to makeover a piece of furniture, find a good chicken recipe, or the best way to hang a curtain rod.”

I’ve found a group of wonderful bloggers in Sparky’s Blog Challenge. We communicate on Facebook.

And it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one out there feeling the way I do. I’m a Naked Niche blogger ;-)!

Read Jen’s full article here.


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Are they inspired to be better than us?


This post was inspired by Roche Mamabolo’s post entitled “What we teach”.

When I entered high school (I went to an all-girls school), the least useful subject was Guidance (it’s now called Life Orientation). It was supposed to guide us in things not related to academics.

Imagine my surprise when the 1st lesson of Grade 8 was the screening of a grainy black and white movie of a woman giving birth. There was no introduction or preamble or anything approximating sex education.

What message do you think was being given to us by the department of education in all its wisdom?

Don’t you think that without the frame of sex education, the message of such a movie was rather a limited one?

Wouldn’t it have been better to temper it with another video followed by a practical of how to change a tyre? How to open a bank account? How to do a budget? You know, useful things that everyone needs to know in order to navigate the practicalities of daily life.

My Mom told me at an early age – “Study and work hard so that you never have to be financially dependent on anyone.”

My Mom taught me that women have value, and to hold their own in any context is natural. No announcements. No fuss. It’s natural.

What do we tell our children, girls and boys?

What do we teach them?

What do they see in people who are supposed to be role models?

Are they inspired to be better than us?


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