It’s not just semantics – words are everything

I once read a quote that goes something like this : Wild horses will not be able to catch hurtful words once they have been spoken. I don’t remember who said it and there’s a good chance that it’s not properly quoted either (apologies to the quotee*).

In any event, the point of using that quote is to explain that words are everything. People often dismiss what someone else is saying because they’re using different words to theirs and they say, “It’s just semantics!”

Well, it’s not just semantics. Words carry meaning beyond that ascribed in the dictionary. Each person interprets words differently, and give them different meaning.

Words are powerful. See the pic below and tell me how you feel after reading it…

The power of words
The power of words

How beautiful is that…?


This post is in response to WordPress's daily prompt: A Name For Yourself. Click here for more interpretations of today's prompt.

*Quotee – a made up word

Fire in the smoke

I’d been sitting cosily in my study for most of today writing up my conference abstracts when at about 17h00 I look out the window and saw the most beautiful soft pastelly glow in the sky

As is usual in the highveld in winter, the sunsets are spectacular. Blue skies and wispy clouds combine with smoke from the veld fires to put on a bit of a show.

I called to my husband and rushed outside to capture what I could before the sun set in its entirety. We stood on the patio looking at the sunset and strangely, for that time of the evening, saw a bat out already. Hmmm…must’ve had his sunglasses on…

Fire in the sky - Highveld Sunset
Fire in the sky – Highveld Sunset