Tag Archives: travel stories

Shared Journeys

I’m not sure about this weekly Discover challenge to write about a shared journey taken with someone. My whole blog is about my journey through life and those I share it with. So all you need to do is read all the posts.

I’ve also posted about my travels, solo and with others. The last shared journey I went on with a friend was my trip to India with Sharon.

I usually travel alone. I do a lot of travelling for business and I take a day or two extra to get to know the place I’m visiting. It’s something that I enjoy on the one hand because I don’t have to synchronise wishes and desires with anyone else about what to see. On the other hand I know that I’d be a lot more adventurous if I travelled with someone else.

I’m not good at traveling with more than one other person. It’s the whole two is company and three is a crowd thing. I retreat into myself and end up going off on my own anyway. I’m keeping an open mind this time because I’m joining a few co-workers in Barcelona on Friday to explore a bit before joining coach camp on Sunday.

The only person I’ve travelled with more than once is my Mom. She’s rather fun and I end up spending lots of money I’d rather not, on shopping. My Mom likes her comforts, so going to the beauty parlour and hairdresser is part of travelling with her. She lands in Lisbon tomorrow and I’m going to meet her at the airport.

I’ve travelled more with friends and co-workers than I’ve travelled with Che. That’s just the nature of the travel that I do. I do wish he came with me more times, and I know that he comes when he’s able.

I have a secret wish to be a vagabond. My definition of a vagabond – someone who travels the world at will, lives like the locals, sometimes works, takes many photos and gets paid to blog about it.

There’s a time for solitary exploration and there’s a time for travelling with a group. I do err on the side of solitary exploration though, because I get to know more about myself then.