Tag Archives: travel

Here And Now

“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

The presencing I feel when I travel is like an addictive drug allowing me to be in the present, leaving me wanting more. Its fleeting nature allows it to pass into the archives of the past, reluctantly escaping into the safety of memory.

©2016 Regina Martins
©2016 Regina Martins

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

I have the memories, tucked away in my heart, the experiences stored in my body and the photos stored on computer hard drives, bringing the past into the here and now.

©2016 Regina Martins
©2016 Regina Martins

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

I am curiously aware of others’ experiences – what they are seeing that makes them take a photo of a particular scene, what they are hearing that makes them turn around to look at another scene and what they are feeling that gives them the freedom to strike silly poses in an effort to make the moment memorable.

©2016 Regina Martins
©2016 Regina Martins

“Photos bring the past into the here and now.” – Regina Martins

Discover challenge – Here and now.


6 Habits I Rely On When I Travel

Remind me to never again take 3 flights in a 24-hour period. The last time I did this was in 2011 returning to South Africa from a trip to the US.

Sacramento – Minnesota – Atlanta – Johannesburg.

By the time I got on the Delta flight to Johannesburg I was tired and sick. I took some pain meds, told the flight attendants to please keep my food warm (vegetarian special meal) because I needed to sleep awhile.

This was probably the best sleep I’ve had on a plane, thanks to the meds. I don’t make a habit of this though. The only muti I take is echinacea for the blurgies.  I’d rather sleep it off when I arrive at my destination. I find that melatonin helps me deal with jet lag and flight exhaustion although I forgot to bring it this time around.

Anyway, the Delta flight attendants were so kind! When I woke up, dinner service had been over a long time since. I walked to the galley to ask for dinner and in a few minutes, the tray of food was placed in front of me.

Johannesburg – Frankfurt – Barcelona – Lisbon.

That was yesterday.  Not wanting a repeat of the 2011 trip, I made sure that I ate regularly, kept hydrated, and made a deliberate effort to remain relaxed. Oh yes, and I took some Gaba (gamma-aminobutyric acid is a neurotransmitter) which helps relieve the anxiety I feel when I travel.

Like all flights I didn’t sleep well – perhaps 2 or 3 hours of fitful sleep.

These are the habits I’ve adopted to make long-haul flights bearable:

  1. I always select my seats at the time of booking so that I am either on the aisle or have extra legroom. This is important to me and I will pay extra for this.
  2. I like to start taking Gaba 2 days before traveling. It helps deal with the anxiety I feel when I travel.
  3. I eat all the time, in small bits. I carry nuts and dried fruit with me. When I arrive on the other side I seem to crave fruit, so if I’m in transit I go in search of fruit and yogurt.
  4. On the flight I quaff copious amounts of orange juice and water – I find that in the dry environment of the plane, the tartness of the orange juice is something my body asks for.
  5. Take liberal amounts of echinacea (this is in my little 100ml plastic bag of liquids allowed through security.
  6. Keep melatonin handy – for after the flight, to get my sleep cycles operating normally again.

It may seem that I rely a lot on nutraceutical supplements – yes I do – and it’s better than relying on sleeping tablets or such like.

What are your habits when you travel?