Tag Archives: social entrepreneurship

Share Your World – November 27, 2017

Or December 3rd, 2017 🙂 – tomorrow Cee will publish a new one. Anyhooo, here goes…for this week.

Would you prefer a reading nook or an art, craft, photography studio?

A reading nook without a doubt! Like this one.

Click on image to go to source.

Or this one.

Click on image to go to source.


Tell how you are feeling today in the form of a weather report. (For example, partly cloudy, sunny with a chance for showers, etc.)

Partly cloudy with the sun peeking through.

If you could witness or physically attend any event past, present or future, what would it be?

Nelson Mandela’s first public speech on 11 February 1990, after his release. My friends T & B were there and described the electric energy in the audience. It was not the same watching on TV.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  

After a year of learnings and deep personal shifts this year, I was glad to be writing my final social entrepreneurship programme exam yesterday. It consumed more energy and time than I expected when I started in January, and at the same time, I feel the pull of this new world I stepped in to. Courage is my word for the immediate future.

Click on image to go to source

I wish you a courageous week ahead!


Infused With Excitement

I spent the last two days on a training course, this time as a delegate. For the introductions we had to interview another person and write key attributes on separate stickie notes. As I look on how the other person interpreted what I said, I saw something unexpected, surprising and pleasant reflected back at me…a gradual and gentle shift awakening to a new version of me infused with excitement. Take a look at the photo below.
