Tag Archives: share your world

Share Your World – October 9, 2017

Howdy and welcome to me sharing my world with you this week.  The week of my wedding anniversary and birthday.

So what do I consider to be the most perfect food for me? 

Dahl and rice of course! I love dahl and rice. It’s such a simple food, the perfect protein with all the amino acids my body needs. And it’s scoop-food – bonus!

Am I focused on today or tomorrow?

I want to be focused on today, it is the most relaxing place to be. When I focus on tomorrow I get anxious. I’m working on this becoming the default for me – focusing on today.

If I could interview one of my great-great-great grandparents, who would it be (if you know their name) and what would I ask?

I don’t know the names of my great-great-great grandparents but I do suspect that they must have been very interesting people. On my Dad’s side, they probably lived in Ireland and I’d want to ask them where in Ireland they hailed from. Who knows, maybe I have family out there I’m not even aware of! On my Mom’s side they came from the Iberian Penninsula, Spain and Portugal, and probably lived through some interesting times, maybe even the Lisbon earthquake of 1755.

What inspired me or what did I appreciate this past week?  

I worked at home, and I’m grateful that home is where my office is based.

Click on image to go to source.


Share Your World – September 4, 2017

Mondays Cee hosts Share Your World – this is my world this past week. It’s fun to enter.

What color do you feel most comfortable wearing?

Black mostly, although when I wear pink or white tops I get compliments on my choice of colour. My favourite colour is green and I don’t have too much green in my wardrobe. I’ve taken to wearing sandy tan shades and i feel good in them too, very earthy. But 99,9% black pants, at least.

What is your favorite type of dog? (can be anything from a specific breed, a stuffed animal or character in a movie).

I’m more of a cat person. I have never owned a dog. My nephew’s favourite stuffed animal is a dog called Ruffles which he sleeps with. So cute.

List at least five favorite flowers or plants.

Roses – love them

Ferns – hardy all year round plant and they look good and green all the time

St. Joseph Lillies – they smell so good

Image credit: The Gardening Blog

Orchids – my wedding bouquet consisted of a purple orchid – so lovely and different to the rest

All trees, especially the ones found in southern Africa, like the acacia tree. It is so evocative of the African bush.

What inspired you this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

The warm spring weather has inspired me to take up my DSLR again which in turn has inspired me to buy a new Kelly Moore camera bag, this time one that can take my laptop too. I have a red B-Hobo right now and it doesn’t fit my Mac.

I’m checking out reviews on youtube and I’ve narrowed the search down to 3. More on this later…watch this space.