Tag Archives: lockdown life

Stream of consciousness #6

– 300 words … let’s go!

First week back at work, and it started with a bang and a bombshell. It’s been a rainy week which is good for the garden. I only had to water it once. BC the cat has been my constant work companion, sleeping the day away in my office as I slave in front of a Zoom camera. He wakes up when he wants to jump onto my lap, and when I don’t allow him to (because, you know, I need to type and stuff), he jumps on to the desk and proceeds to do some typing of his own. I needed to use the backspace key a few times because there were just too many typos. He sleeps again in the afternoon and wakes up when it’s time for dinner – like clockwork.

I’ve been feasting on protein during the day because I’m working out quite hard in the evenings. This week I’ve feasted on the run so I boiled some eggs which I grabbed when I needed a snack. With coffee. Coffee has been my constant work-from-home companion (the vagaries of BC the cat have not gone unnoticed in terms of his lack of constancy). The routine of a coffee break on the other hand creates an anchor of comfort and predictibility, something which is very welcome during these uncertain times.

On another point: there is so much noise about vaccines and vaccine roll-out plans that I found myself getting very stressed and prone to feeling some FOMO. The best thing for me is to not give much attention to this topic and just patiently wait for the vaccine, and my turn to receive it, whenever that is. I’m fortunate that I can work from home until then. The noise in the world has either increased or amplified due to Covid. For an introvert like me it’s time to switch off for a bit. I’m a confessed news junkie though so I need to see how this is going to work out for me.

– 345 words – The End.


2020: Lockdown life November in review

And so we get to November lockdown life for 2020. Ok seriously, it was a business-as-usual month.

  • I completed my Copy-editing course.
  • I took loads of photos of food and cats.
  • I spent time with my sister and niece.
  • I ordered all of the Christmas presents this month lest they not arrive on time. I had loads of fun doing all my Christmas shopping online this year.
  • My rebounder finally arrived minus the support bar which is on another shipment due to arrive in December.

And I’m loving all the Copy-editing cartoons. The one below had me in stitches. And that’s about it.