Tag Archives: Blogging

Blogging crisis

I’ve hit a blogging crisis! Aaargh… I enjoy writing but do people enjoy reading my writings?  Does my blog have relevance? Will I get return visits? Will my readers subscribe to it? I know I’m probably not the first blogger to wonder about this.

At the moment I have my friends coming by to read my posts (thank you :-)), and some are people that have found my blog via Google. This is very exciting.

When I started blogging I was asked what kind of blog is mine? At the time I had done a few posts on India. But to sustain a travel blog would not be realistic because I don’t travel as much as I would want to. Not like this guy, Johnny Vagabond. So, mine was not a travel blog. I also researched the winning blogs of the South African Blog Awards. Here I found different categories, like Science and Technology blogs, Food and Wine blogs, and Fashion Blogs. But I was sadly dismayed to find that there isn’t a “Personal” blog category section. Because my blog is mainly a personal blog.

As I was trawling through the web these past few days (that’s where I’ve been, in cyberspace), I found Squidoo. It’s an online content publishing platform. You can literally build a page in minutes. These pages are called “lenses”. There are a variety of types of “lenses”. One of my favourite “lenses” is one on how to knit socks. They look so beautiful. No, I’m not about to start knitting socks, but I am fascinated at the range of information and patterns in this “lens” about knitting socks, the tools needed to knit socks, and the different methods of knitting socks, to name but a few of the posts in this “lens”. Who would have thought this topic to have such wide applicability and information.

I guess there are blogs for all tastes and interests. I trust that I will find more readers that will keep coming back for more. And tell their friends about it too. I must just keep writing.

What a week!

What a week! I am totally nackered! Thankfully I have not over-committed myself this weekend. I have nothing committed for tomorrow so will be spending the whole day at home. Similarly for Sunday, although I will get out to ride my bike. I haven’t riden in 2 weeks and I miss being on the bike.

I am a bit peeved because whenever I hook up my bike trailer to my car, the fuses blow and I am left with no tail or instrument panel lights. Both the trailer and towbar are new. To determine whether it is the towbar installation, or the trailer wiring is gonna be another thing. I can just imagine each party trying to deflect responsibility by blaming the other. I didn’t have time this week to do anything about it.

I started the #Scary365 project this week. Let’s see where it takes me. I have done a lot of scary stuff so far, and I actively seek to face my fears head-on because I don’t want to miss out on any growth opportunities.

Work is very exciting. It has been so for almost 2 years now. I work with an awesome team of people. I am blessed and grateful. And we deliver meaningful projects that deliver business value using the Agile Scrum framework. Our rate of delivery is quick and best of all, predictable.

I am enjoying blogging. Writing gives me much satisfaction. I feel that some of my posts are better written than others. I am considering changing my theme and have bought a magazine theme currently on localhost until I have figured it out and done the migration.

Things that are overdue and absolutely MUST be done this coming week is the registration of the trailer and taking my bike for its first service.

I am going to sleep now. I am totally nackered.

Good nite!