Category Archives: Sharing My World

2020: Lockdown life December in review

This is the FINAL part of my year in review. Writing one post will make it too long, so I broke each month into a separate post. This is the last instalment of lockdown life 2020.

The most important thing that stands out is that we celebrated Christmas and Chè’s birthday with my family. I think that is enough said … #joyful

lockdown life Christmas 2020

Have you read the other months?

2020: Lockdown life November in review

2020: Lockdown life October in review

2020: Lockdown life September in review

2020: Lockdown life August in review

2020: Lockdown life July in review

2020: Lockdown life June in review

2020: Lockdown life May in review

2020: Lockdown life April in review

2020: Lockdown life March in review

2020: Lockdown life February in review

2020: Lockdown life January in review


2020: Lockdown life November in review

And so we get to November lockdown life for 2020. Ok seriously, it was a business-as-usual month.

  • I completed my Copy-editing course.
  • I took loads of photos of food and cats.
  • I spent time with my sister and niece.
  • I ordered all of the Christmas presents this month lest they not arrive on time. I had loads of fun doing all my Christmas shopping online this year.
  • My rebounder finally arrived minus the support bar which is on another shipment due to arrive in December.

And I’m loving all the Copy-editing cartoons. The one below had me in stitches. And that’s about it.