Category Archives: Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge

Walking The Boomslang Tree Canopy Walkway

Snaking away above the forest floor the Boomslang Tree Canopy Walkway at Kirstenbosch botanical gardens offers uninterrupted views of the southern Cape Peninsula. Boomslang is the Afrikaans name for a species of snake called the tree-snake (pronounced bw-om-slung).

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Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge 2014 #15: Labyrinth

Sign for Reception and Deliveries at the Transcendental Meditation Centre in Champagne Castle in the Drakensberg.

Where’s reception?

Sign pointing the way to the 12 ring labyrinth in the Magaliesberg Mountains.

This way to the labyrinth

The labyrinth – it does not look like much due to the angle of the photo but I spent a good 2 hours walking to the centre and back out again.

And here’s the labyrinth

In response to Cee’s Which Way Challenge 2014 #15. Click here for more entries in this week’s challenge.
