Category Archives: Family

There is nothing better than the connection of family.

Why Lellow Cupcakes Should Come With A Warning Label

I will never buy lellow cupcakes again. Especially not when a 4 year old is in the house. One lellow cupcake was enough to get said 4 year old to start laughing manically whislt running through the house slamming doors on his way.

Che and I looked at each other, startled as to what could have caused the change in behaviour, from angelic to scary. We cottoned on to the cause when he rushed in and asked:

“Can I have another lellow cupcake?”

No! No more lellow cupcakes! Why didn’t anyone tell us that lellow cupcakes should come with the following warning:

“Consumption of yellow cupcakes will cause 4 year olds to run around at an accelerated rate. Feed with caution.”

You’ve been warned!

Featured image licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license and authored by Clever Cupcakes from Montreal, Canada.