Similar to immigrate and emigrate, these 2 words are often used incorrectly.
I use this easy way of remembering of distinguishing one from the other.
Emigrate and immigrate
Going away (the ‘from’ country): emigrate is when you leave your home country to go and live in another country – e.g. you emigrate from New Zealand.
Going towards (the ‘to’ country): immigrate is when you go to live in another country – e.g. you immigrate to Australia. Think of the letter “i” as in going in to another country…immigrating.
Emersion and immersion
Coming out or up: emersion is when you appear from, coming out or up of; emerging from something (e.g. water) or somewhere (e.g. a retreat or sabbatical).
Going in or down:immersion is to submerge, sink or go down into something; to become involved in, to cover oneself. Again, think of the letter “i” as in going in…immersion.
Not your ordinary photo challenge, Cee Fun Photo Challenge is going through the alphabet. This week we’re asked to post photos the subject of which starts with the letter D and is 4 letters in length. As Cee says:
You can always use adjectives and adverbs with a specific topic just make sure you give us the word that fits the requirements of this challenge. Feel free to use your native language as your inspiration for this challenge, just please give us the word in your language and the english translation. Use your imagination for this theme. The thing is to have a lot of fun with this challenge.
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher