Weekend Coffee Share 2016-11-13: The Unexpected Edition

Please come in. It’s not raining right now, perhaps it will come down later. Right now it’s sunny and hot, so let’s catch up over some coffee or other cold drink. It’s got to be a short one because I have a few things to complete still today.

If we were having coffee…

…we’d talk about how unexpected Donald Trump’s win in the US elections was, just like Brexit. Unexpected and unwelcome.

…we’d talk about the extreme thunderstorms we’ve been experiencing and the flash-floods on the East Rand. Again, something unexpected.

…we’d talk about Telkom’s inability to fix our ADSL line after so many weeks. Some people will say that is expected, being Telkom and all. The length of time that it’s taking is wholly unexpected. I’m at a loss for words.

Last night we had dinner at my folks and what a lovely evening it was reconnecting with some old friends of my parents who are retiring to St. Francis Bay soon.

That’s it for now.

Until next week, I hope you have a great one!


Part of Part Time Monster’s weekend coffee share.

Click here to see Diana’s post.

Click here to see more coffee shares.


Stormy Chaos, Chaotic Storm

I took this photo today from the 12th floor looking out towards the east. The storm moved in from the north and moved south until it spent its chaotic energy to reveal blue skies once again.

Highveld thunderstorm  ©2016 Regina Martins
Highveld thunderstorm
©2016 Regina Martins

Second entry in this week’s WordPress weekly photo challenge – Chaos.