Just Half-a-glass

I had no plans for today other than find nice places to photograph. I drove and a road led me to Webersburg Wine Estate. I had no plans to have lunch but my feet led me to the gorgeous restaurant. I don’t usually drink wine because I’m allergic to the sulphites but I had some wine with my meal – just half-a-glass of a smooth sauvignon blanc.

WordPress daily prompt is Glass.


WordPress Weekly Photo: Look Up

This cutie is Nermal. He belongs to our neighbour. But Nermal has other ideas. He thinks he belongs to us. He’s changed his address from number 53 to number 55.

Him looking up at me taking a photo.

Nermal the cute cat who's changed addresses ©2016 Regina Martins
Nermal the cute cat who’s changed addresses
©2016 Regina Martins

Me looking up at him, taking a photo.

Nermal the cute cat who thinks he belongs to us. He's supposed to belong to our neighbours ©2016 Regina Martins
Nermal the cute cat who thinks he belongs to us. He’s supposed to belong to our neighbours
©2016 Regina Martins

WordPress Weekly photo theme – Look Up.