Can you see the face in this chandelier at Vito’s in Berlin? It’s made out of bottles and the shadows it casts are a tad scary…and oddball.
This photo has been chosen as one of the featured photos this week on Cee’s challenge 🙂 – yay! – Thank you Cee!

WordPress weekly photo challenge – Eye Spy
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This looks like a face!
I’m glad you see it too 🙂
Oh yes, I can. How spooky it is. 😯
Hehehe…it’s a rather small restaurant and yet it took me a while to “find it” 🙂
no, not scary to me. actually, I like it. I see a cartoon cat with a funny hat. and bottle shadows are amazing. such a great find for Shadow Shot Sunday 🙂
klara recently posted…Cee’s ODD BALL Challenge
Thanks Klara! It’s great that each person sees things differently in this shot 🙂
Congratulations! I have selected this post to be featured on Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge.
I sure hope you have a nice week.
Cee Neuner recently posted…Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2015 Week #49
Thank you Cee! It’s always heartwarming when my pics get chosen to be featured on your challenges 🙂
Have a great week!
You are welcome.
Cee Neuner recently posted…CCY: Week #9 Gold Star Award and Features Rule of Thirds Introduction
That face is staring down at you. Wonderful odd ball. 😀
Cee Neuner recently posted…Flower of the Day – December 6, 2015 – A slice of sunshine
Thank you Cee!
You are right. It is definitely scary! I couldn’t sit under it 🙂
Thanks for coming by…fortunately I wasn’t sitting under it and it was only after an hour or so of being in the restaurant that I looked up and saw it 🙂