Tag Archives: sunset

Fire in the smoke

I’d been sitting cosily in my study for most of today writing up my conference abstracts when at about 17h00 I look out the window and saw the most beautiful soft pastelly glow in the sky

As is usual in the highveld in winter, the sunsets are spectacular. Blue skies and wispy clouds combine with smoke from the veld fires to put on a bit of a show.

I called to my husband and rushed outside to capture what I could before the sun set in its entirety. We stood on the patio looking at the sunset and strangely, for that time of the evening, saw a bat out already. Hmmm…must’ve had his sunglasses on…

Fire in the sky - Highveld Sunset
Fire in the sky – Highveld Sunset


Waterfront Sunset – Cape Town

The last time I was in Cape Town was in August last year. Cape Town is one of my favourite cities to visit. It is be far the most beautiful city in South Africa. I was very fortunate to stay at a hotel at the Victoria and Albert Waterfront. The view from my room was unbelievable.

Table Mountain, Cape Town
Table Mountain, Cape Town

The sunset was spectacular.

Looking towards Table Mountain
Looking towards Table Mountain
Cape Town 4290314
Sunset, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town

I was lucky in that the week I was there was in between torrential rain and storms. Not a drop fell while there. The ground was waterlogged.The week after the rains came down again.