Tag Archives: sparky’s blog challenge


I recently joined Goodreads and have set my book reading target at 24 books this year. That means it’s 2 books per month. I am, at the moment, 4 books behind schedule, so I have much to catch up. It helps that I have audio-books which I download from Audible. I’ve almost finished with Carol Dweck’s Mindset and the Psychology of Success.

I went past the supermarket on my way home this evening and bought a tub of ginger cookies. When I got home, my husband, aka Ché, was baking cookies. This engineer should’ve been a chef! This post’s feature photo is of the cookies. They are yummy

That’s all I have time for today, I am falling asleep at my keyboard. Tomorrow I hope to have a more coherent post.

Random: Every day a celebration

Colourful eggs for Easter – the next celebration on the calendar

The Christmas decorations had barely been put away when the red hearts of Valentines Day were put on display. In January already! Now that the 14th is but a memory, barely 2 days later, the chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs already adorn the supermarket shelves. And Easter is only in April.

After Easter, barely a day later I am sure, the Mother’s Day adverts and displays will go up. In June, it will be Father’s Day. Then there is a gap of a month, and it will be Women’s Day in August,  then Bosses Day in October, and Secretaries Day sometime in between. Until we come to Christmas again, and like last year, the decorations will go up in October.

In between all that are the birthdays, the baby showers, the weddings and engagements. If you factor in the cultural and religious celebrations…wow! We are having fun the whole year.

Every single day there is celebrating going on in the world.