Tag Archives: india

Incredulity on the Agra-Jaipur Road

Our area will experience loadshedding from 20h00 to 23h00. It cuts right into the middle of our Saturday night, but we have planned around it. Che is going to power the router with a battery so that we can still stream a movie. It may not happen at all, it depends if it’s needed.

I am writing this on the patio. The sun has set and the bats are out. It’s very very still, the pool glassy still. The only marauders are the neighbourhood cats who love using our garden as a thoroughfare. We don’t mind, they are very amusing and watching their antics gives us much laughter.

When I was going through my photos of my trip to India I came across the perfect photo for last week’s wordpress photo theme of Scale. It’s not a well taken photo, snapped with my iPhone from within a moving vehicle on the road from Agra to Jaipur. It left me incredulous and I was grateful that our driver overtook on the right.

India Agra Jaipur
Overloaded on the road from Agra to Jaipur

WordPress Weekly Photo: Symmetry – The Taj Mahal

My love affair with the Taj  Mahal is legendary – I have written about it, at length, on this blog. I have done no less than five (yes 5) posts where it is the main attraction, or at least, mentioned with glowing language.

I think that The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful structure in the world. The great love story that led to its construction lingers in my imagination.

Taj Mahal Agra India
The dazzling Taj Mahal

The structure epitomises perfect symmetry; symmetry played an important role in its design:

Symmetry and geometric planning played an important role in ordering the complex and reflected a trend towards formal systematisation that was apparent in all of the arts emanating from Jahan's imperial patronage. Bilateral symmetry expressed simultaneous ideas of pairing, counterparts and integration, reflecting intellectual and spiritual notions of universal harmony. A complex set of implied grids based on the Mughul Gaz unit of measurement provided a flexible means of bringing proportional order to all the elements of the Taj Mahal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_and_architecture_of_the_Taj_Mahal#Symmetry_and_hierarchy 

In response to WordPress’s Weekly Photo theme of Symmetry – click on the link for other blogger’s interpretations of this theme.

Here are some of those bloggers:

  1. https://agent909.wordpress.com/2015/02/14/symmetry-from-africa-to-bali/
  2. http://ohmsweetohm.me/2015/02/13/wpc-symmetry/
  3. http://fakeormistake.net/2015/02/13/fake-symmetry/
  4. https://suyashchopra.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/twin-peaks-in-san-francisco/
  5. https://anvicaphotos.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/weekly-photo-challenge-symmetry/
  6. https://chrisbreebaart.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/weekly-photo-challenge-symmetry-staircase/
  7. https://nadiamerrillphotography.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/weekly-photo-challenge-symmetry/
  8. http://ambitiousdrifter.com/2015/02/14/natural-mathematics/
  9. https://sonyavdg.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/weekly-photo-challenge-symmetry/