Tag Archives: cee’s black and white challenge

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Back of Things

I downloaded the pics from my camera, going back to last year. Gosh! Such a long time. Some met the challenge this week. As with most of my pics, they can be better. I’m learning.

I took the pic below because I wanted to remember the type of lounger I want for our patio.

My favourite wooden loungers
©2016-2017 Regina Martins

Sagres harbour was still on this particular evening, the waters soupy and opaque.

Sagres harbour
©2016-2017 Regina Martins

I like taking photos of the backs of people, candidly, especially people taking photos. I enjoyed seeing these 2 friends jog by, stop, and take the same photo.

Friends taking pics at Lisboa Expo Parque das Nações
©2016-2017 Regina Martins

Entered in Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Back of Things.


Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Texture

Texture – a simple word that describes complex human experience. Note: artistic or writer’s license has been liberally used in the crafting of this post.

The visual , the look of something, its characteristic, like smooth water.

©2017 Regina Martins

The auditory – the sound of something, like a piece of music, how music feels to the ear – melodious, heavy or discordant, like the sounds of waves crashing on the beach and the elevated voices of people playing in the surf.

©2017 Regina Martins

The kinaesthetic – how something feels like when you run your hand over the surface, like stroking the soft fur of a cat or walking over rough rocks.

©2017 Regina Martins

The olfactory – how something smells like the floral or exotic texture of a perfume and the smell of the African bush.

©2017 Regina Martins

The gustatory – rubbery oysters, a silky créme caramel or a crunchy cookie.

Entered in Cee’s Black & White photo challenge with the theme of Texture.