Tag Archives: Berlin

Berlin Edition #2: The Brrrr One

Today was conference day 1. I had great company on a brrrrracing walk to Pirates Berlin about 20 minutes from the hotel. I’m ecstatic to be walking the streets of this city. Those who’ve been coming by this space know that I love cities. Each are vibrant in their unique way, so to compare them is counterproductive so I will not do any such thing.

Continue reading Berlin Edition #2: The Brrrr One

Berlin Edition #1: I’ve Found The Coffee Place, Now All Is Well With The World!

Yes, that very long post title is exactly what it is – a very long post title! I can’t lie – I know there is good coffee in Germany so on my way into the office I deliberately looked out for coffee places – I needn’t have worried because they’re all over the place! And because of that all is well with the world!

Ok, I’ll stop with the exclamation marks now…(!)

Continue reading Berlin Edition #1: I’ve Found The Coffee Place, Now All Is Well With The World!