The seven-day black & white photo challenge is doing the rounds on Facebook, and I took up the challenge. If you haven’t come across it yet, it is about posting a photo of your life each day for seven days. No photos of people. No commentary. Challenge someone new each day.
Day 1, a spring leaf…

Day 2, spinach growing in our garden. I planted it last summer and it survived the winter. Tender bright green leaves are growing again.

Day 3, I submitted my social entrepreneurship assignment, on time!

Day 4 I was in Cape Town. Don’t you just love how neatly the luggage trolleys stack into each other?

Day 5, book order arrived. I ordered it months ago and had given up on it when it arrived! Relieved and glad.

Day 6, shopping at the mall. It’s located on a high and is a beautiful vantage point over the valley.

Day 7, today, and the first cup of coffee I posted. Americano with cold milk. It’s so easy for me to post a cup of coffee! I held out until day 7.

Did you also enter the FB challenge? Post a link to your blog post telling us all about it in the comments below.