Learning to waterski…wipe-out!

WordPress Weekly Photo: Fresh

In keeping with this week’s theme of Fresh, it definitely is a “freshening” experience when learning how to waterski in the cold Atlantic Ocean, and wiping-out in the process (waterskier’s name is withheld to protect the innocent).

Learning to waterski…wipe-out!

Fishermen trying to catch fish in the fresh breeze coming off the Altantic Ocean, but hey…when you have a fish to catch, let nothing stop you. Be not deceived by the sunlight in the photo – this was a “fresh” day on the beach in Swakopmund.

Fishermen at beach in Swakopmund, NamibiaI have often wanted to swim at The Mole in Swakopmund. Each time I visit I am determined to swim in the tranquil waters of the little bay. But I chicken out every time  with thoughts of turning blue and numb in the cold Atlantic waters – I am an Indian Ocean swimming kind of person.

The Mole, Swakopmund, NamibiaNow these creatures don’t worry about the “freshness” of the water – these seals are actually sunning themselves on the rocks at The Mole.

Seals sunning themselves at The Mole in Swakopmund

WordPress weekly photo challenge’s theme this week is Fresh – click here for other great photographic interpretations.


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6 thoughts on “WordPress Weekly Photo: Fresh”

  1. Hi Regina
    I had never heard of “Scrum” – maybe I retired too early (not!), so I just spent a few minutes over at The Agile Way. Comments had closed on one post, where I wanted to say “I can’t wait to hear how implementing Kanban at home works out” 🙂
    Kind regards

    1. Hi Ken, thanks for visiting The Agile Way. I need to update it with a fresh article. Scrum took hold initially in software development and recently only has it started spreading to other disciplines. It’s about 12 or so years “old”. As to the Kanban at home, well, that’s a work in progress

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