#weekendcoffeeshare: Still car-less and other things

#weekendcoffeeshare https://parttimemonster.wordpress.com/2015/02/14/weekend-coffee-share-3/

If we were having coffee I would tell you that this weekend was hot and wonderful. Despite the loadshedding, twice, I still managed to blog, three times, and do a draft post for tomorrow night. I have also joined the Blogging from A to Z challenge.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am still car-less and that next week is going to prove complicated to get to work. The engine overhaul is proving to be more difficult than imagined – Tony the mechanic said that all other cars are easy to find parts for but that somehow this hasn’t been the case for my car. It’s been called “exotic” (!) by the tyre places that use it to charge me an arm and a leg for a new set of tyres, but it is not the only one of its kind on the road – I’ve seen many others. In any event, I have managed without a car for 6 weeks now so that when I get my own car back I will not know what to do. Tomorrow Che and I will have to negotiate my before-work appointment, his commitments and me actually going to work.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I was mightily pissed off at my mobile service provider for having suspended my service. I dragged myself to the mall this morning to get it sorted out – it had to do with a credit limit (!) which was lower than my contract amount (!) which meant that my service would always be suspended from the middle of every month. This wasn’t considered when I upgraded my contract on the 31st December. Patricia from the MTN shop at The Glen explained the situation – she was a real life saver, and fixed the limit on my account so that it will not happen again.

If we were having coffee I would tell you the following – PS – NEVER EVER EVER EVER take away my communications mechanisms. #justsaying.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that the other upside of leaving the house and going out to mingle with the rest of the world today, is that I actually have some fresh fruit and vegetables in the fridge. The juicy sweet mango I had this afternoon was delicious.

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4 thoughts on “#weekendcoffeeshare: Still car-less and other things”

  1. Hi Regina. That’s bad about the car. I used to have a Toyota when I was in college (eons ago) that was manufactured mid year so some parts were manufactured in one year and others were from the previous year. That was trouble because when the shop ordered a part for that year car (I think it was a 1970), it wasn’t always right when it arrived and it would have to be sent back and a different year part ordered, which of course meant that it always took twice as long as it should have to get the car back! I hope you get yours back sooner than later!

    1. Hi Corina, things have taken long, and the whole parts issue is interesting. I got 2 quotes, one for the car manufacturer’s parts (which was higher) and another with parts made by another manufacturer (lower amount). I went for the lower amount and hope that they are of good quality. I will not harrass the mechanic this week, however I am starting to get antsy so I will go and pay him a visit next week 🙂

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