Weekend Coffee Share: The Rushed Edition

Hello hello, come on in. There’s the usual coffee, albeit a late one. There’s decaf too if you’re worried about not being able to fall asleep later. But nothing to eat, again.

If I sound rushed it’s because I’m stressing about training new content starting tomorrow. I’m reading and preparing to ensure I feel confident. I’m not training on my own but pairing with a co-worker who has delivered this course many times. In fact, he’s the one who created most of the content. After I train a few more times I’ll feel like I can lead the training.  But for now, I’m grateful not to be doing it on my own.

As for the rest of the week, how was yours?

Mine was super busy with work and sitting for long periods of time on Zoom. I have a comfortable gaming chair, but I still miss moving around as I used to when I was physically at clients. I’m considering getting a standing desk converter. Do any of you use a standing desk? What is it like?

On Monday I participated in a question and answer session with a group of Scrum Masters at a client in Brazil. The timezone difference made it that the session was at 7 pm my time but I had fun nonetheless. They had many questions about my experience transitioning from project management to being a Scrum Master and Agile Coach – in Portuguese!

Even though I am Portuguese, I do all my training and coaching in English and am well versed in all the technical terms related to Agile. Doing it Portuguese was challenging – I did a whole lot of research of the Portuguese terminology and even wrote passages to help me get into the Portuguese mindset. My brain must’ve connected new synapses in the process. It was rather tiring, but the more I do it, the quicker it will become second nature to me.

Right, I’ve go to go now. I need to continue preparing for tomorrow. Have a wonderful week!



PS: See you all at your coffee shares.

Which Way photo challenge – February 5 2021

The Which Way photo challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on. 

Going through my photos to enter this challenge I came across this one which reminded me of one of my trips to Portugal.

This bridge is in Lisbon, the Ponte 25 de Abril over the Tejo River. My photos are the link I have at the moment to the wonderful places I visited and want to revisit. Lisbon, of course, is a home away from home for me. 2020 and probably 2021 will represent the longest I’ve gone without visiting Lisbon – and travel in general – in the last 10 years or so.

I’m fortunate to have the photos – one look at them is enough to transport me to that day, that moment or that experience – triggering the memories.  That will have to do for now, until it’s safe to travel or I’ve received a vaccine. I suspect that those two things will occur at approximately the same time.

©2021 Regina Martins