Share Your World – September 18, 2017

I’m participating in Cee’s SYW this week and below are my answers to these thought-provoking questions. For me, they are in any event.

Complete this sentence: I want to learn more about …

How to build a business from the ground up. There is no school or college programme that does this justice so I’ll just have to do it to learn about it 😉

On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep?

  • It goes without saying – a comfortable bed with clean soft sheets – I have been in places with dirty sheets.
  • A shower with hot water – sometimes the hot water part is missing, depending on where I travel to.
  • Safety and security – a door that locks and has a latch (preferably) – again, this has been missing in some places I have been to!
  • A kettle to boil water. Mugs, coffee and tea I can always find or bring.
  • Clean towels that are in good condition.
  • Overall cleanliness.

What is your greatest extravagance?

A Suzuki 750GSXR superbike. I’m going to sell it though. It was a whim. It’s beautiful though.

What inspired you this past week?  

Spending time with my niece and nephew!


Cheers for now.

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What’s Cool Nowadays?

I did a google search on what’s cool nowadays and guess what? I got a whole lot of results of articles on what’s cool for teens!

Like only teens are the masters of cool!

I need your help here – we need to prove to google that it’s not only teens that are cool. Coolness comes in all shapes, guises and sizes. And ages too. And you don’t have to be a celebrity either.

The urban dictionary defines cool as:

The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase “cool” is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very conveniant (sic) for people like me who don’t care about what’s “in.”

This is what I think is cool and I need you to tell me what you think is cool too.

I think having a blog is cool and hot – it’s hot having a blog – that’s cool man!

I think driving fast is cool – teens can’t drive for most of their teen years.

I think folding your tongue into a roll is cool – how cool is that? I can do that. I’m cool.

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I think this 80 year old body builder is cool. I want to be like her when I’m 80.

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I think Wang Deshun is cool. Don’t know who Wang Deshun is? Check below. He’s 80 years old too!

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I think 80 year olds are cool! My Dad is almost 80. And my Mom too and I think they’re cool. My Dad still works an 8 hour day in his business and my Mom is an assessor and moderator for an education board – how cool is that?

I think teachers are cool – helping to shape young minds into the adults of tomorrow.

If you’ve climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro – I think you’re cool. You’ve done what I chickened out of.

I think street art is cool.

©2017 Regina Martins

Audrey Hepburn is cool – she never goes out of style.

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The same goes for Princess Diana…I copied that hairstyle once.

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I think kindness is cool.

So is generosity.

And patience.





Now I need your help here. What else is cool nowadays?