I went to the CBD yesterday and took these pics of buildings in Commissioner street. It is sad to see some derelict buildings next to nice ones (I didn’t take photos of the derelict ones).
I especially love the mural at the entrance to the Rea Vaya bus station.
Click on any image to enlarge.
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
©2017 Regina Martins
Green is my favourite colour, and today I’m celebrating this with a green gallery. Click on any image to enlarge.
Green and blue. Can you see the church spire? ©2017 Regina Martins
Coming over the wall into our garden from the neighbour’s garden. Isn’t it beautiful? ©2017 Regina Martins
Kulula.com plane ©2017 Regina Martins
Green pepper from our veggie garden ©2017 Regina Martins
Our lemon tree. ©2017 Regina Martins
My ‘hood… ©2017 Regina Martins
From the window of the kitchen, Lisbon flat. ©2017 Regina Martins
Lisbon townhouse clad in green tiles. ©2017 Regina Martins
Obey the green sign… ©2017 Regina Martins
Stellenbosch winelands ©2017 Regina Martins
What’s behind the green door? ©2017 Regina Martins
Stellenbosch wine farm ©2017 Regina Martins
Another green door, Rua do Seculo, Lisboa ©2017 Regina Martins
Green paper serviette dispenser ©2017 Regina Martins
Ancient Roman tile belonging to the Lisbon Roman Theatre ©2017 Regina Martins
Green celebratory cupcake ©2017 Regina Martins
Green forest ©2017 Regina Martins
Avocado smoothie ©2017 Regina Martins
Green fields in Bavaria, from the window of the ICE train ©2017 Regina Martins
In response to WordPress weekly challenge – It IS Easy Being Green .
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Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher