Weekend Coffee Share: About Last Week

Hello and come on in. I have new coffees. My favourite is the Nicaraguan one. It has such depth of flavour. I opened the Kenyan this week and it’s also good, although the Nicaraguan still tops it. I suspect that this will change as I open the new packs.

So, if we were having coffee, I’d definitely recommend that one, or a 4 to 1 blend of both.

The week was busy-ish. On Monday I was at a client, and for the next 3 days I was working at home. It was great to be able to do that and boy was I busy.

I managed to blog every day. I’m not very happy with my writing this past week. I was distracted and too critical so what came out could have been better. I’m trying to do the daily WordPress one-word prompt but some were so uninspiring this week that I posted photos instead.

I also finally wrote a post on my visit to Portugal. I have so much more to write about and so many pics to share that it’s simply overwhelming and I’ve not done what I wanted. Hope this makes sense. In any event, I published A Simple and Meaningful Tribute yesterday, telling the story and showing the pics of a photographer’s tribute to the elderly who live in a particular narrow lane in the Lisbon suburb of Mouraria.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that my car went in for a service this week. It took longer than the usual 1 day. The rear gearbox mount was broken which came as a surprise for me. The roads in some parts of Joburg are so bad and there are speed bumps everywhere that I could’ve done the damage at any of these times.

Some of the speed bumps are not well sign-posted and the white paint has long ago been faded by the sun that I don’t see them until it’s too late. Sometimes I manage to come to a sharp slow down just before my car hits the speed bump. There are other times that my car bounces over them and I wince because my car is quite low to the ground.

So ja, it could’ve been any one of those times. In any event, I got my car back on Friday afternoon. The mechanic SMS’d me 25 minutes before closing time that my car was ready and Che and I had to rush to go and fetch it. Now it’s happy and sounds like an aeroplane when I brake to slow down. Rather cool.

I’m looking forward to next weekend. Thursday June 16 is Youth Day and I’m taking the Friday off as well. Che and I are going to the Magaliesberg to a delightfully looking Stone Cottage I found on Airbnb.

Until next time, have a great week!


Part of the weekly blogging link-up hosted by Diana at Part Time Monster. Click here to see more coffee shares.



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4 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: About Last Week”

  1. I just got my car fixed as well. Why does it seem like we wait and wait for our cars to get fixed… but then we are always “rushing” to get them when they are done! lol

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