Share Your World – Week 40

Sharing a bit of my world – questions from Cee Neuner. Go on over and get to know more people’s worlds.


You’re given $500,000 dollars tax free (any currency), what do you spend it on? 

Wow! $500,000 dollars tax free (I take it they’re US dollars) – that is R5,620,000 (million) South African Rands. That’s a lot of money, plenty to go around. I would put one fifth of it in medium risk interest bearing account. The rest I would use to establish 3 non-profit organisations: 1) empowering and protecting women and children; 2) providing education to children in need; 3) showing different farming methods for sustainable farming to poor communities.

What’s the finest education?

My very first (serious) job was at a large bank, and the Managing Director of the insurance division had risen through the ranks without a university education. He was a damn fine leader, manager and business man. He said that the letters after his name were the following: QBE – Qualified by Experience. I never forgot that.

What kind of art is your favorite? Why?

Rather than type of art, my favourite artists are very different from each other. I like them for different reasons: 1) Toulouse Lautrec – his colourful works depicting the theatrical world of Paris really catch my eye with its undertones of debauchery and gaudiness; 2) Picasso  for the whole passionate person he was.

Is there something that you memorized long ago and still remember?

My Very Energetic Mother Jumped Straight Up Nine Planets – Mars Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for family, a comfortable home and Che. This week I am looking forward to having my hair done, The Blacklist episode 3 and visiting family on the weekend.


What are you looking forward to this week?

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