If we were having coffee, you’d have the coffee and I’d have chamomile tea. Sinus bothers have overtook me in the second half of the week and it culminated in me feeling nauseous and with sinus pain that literally drove me up the wall. I like to take care of things to do with health in a natural way. These off course take time. I eventually used an Ayurvedic remedy which helped in double-quick time. And it was natural too. I will not gross you out with the details, and I wonder why I didn’t reach for this initially.
Fluttering butterflies, a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, a vice-like constriction of the lungs resulting in shallow gasp-like breaths, <enter here what you feel when nerves take over rational thought> – everyone feels nerves differently and deals with them differently. The important thing is how they are dealt with in such a way that they do not cause the speaker to abscond or hide in the loo. Continue reading A to Z Challenge: F is for Fluttering Butterflies→
Mozambican-born Portuguese South African; reflecting on travel, writing, editing, life, family and change that has social impact; chief wide eyed in wanderer, wonderer and bottlewasher