Tag Archives: myths stories legends of Portugal’s history

The Baker Of Aljubarrota (B)

The personage of the baker of Aljubarrota is curiously linked to the battle of the same name which took place on August 14, 1385. 

Nations need symbols which they can hold on to in times of discord and which they can celebrate in time of peace. It is these symbols that help define the identity of a people.

The lady who was dubbed “The Baker of Aljubarrota” is such a symbol and her contribution to the battle is surrounded by myth and a healthy dose of mystery.

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The Battle Of Aljubarrota (A) – August 14, 1385

Little has changed in the last 600 years with regards to war – they’re still fought over territorial power. So it was with the Battle of Aljubarrota, one of Portugal’s most important battles. 

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