Tag Archives: more comments

Stream of consciousness #1 – on blogging

Blogging is new to me and at the same time it isn’t.

I’ve had a blog since 2012 and posted somewhat regularly in the first year, not very regularly in the second year, and regularly in the third year. This year actually.

So I know a fair bit about blogging. I have a respectable amount of views and visitors per day, but I feel I could have more followers and people commenting on posts. 

Few have actually decided that they like my writing so much they can’t do without it and subscribe to my posts via email, or follow me.

I also don’t have many comments. Not every post elicits comments. So it must mean that I’m doing something wrong.

Everytime I get a comment I do a silent happy dance. It’s like receiving a bunch of flowers. There’s also some trepidation – what if it’s a negative comment?

I’ve done a fair bit of research and come across articles and blogs on how to get more comments and followers.

I read a blog post at the beginning of the year, of a guy who said he was shutting down his very successful blog. After a few years of worrying about views, page-loads and comments, he decided to just write. And to just write he didn’t need a blog and the validation of readers. So he shut it down for a year to focus on his writing and see where it takes him.

I admire that, it takes guts to do that. I’m not there (yet?). I still want to write and have people read my stuff and comment on it because it is a good way to get good constructive feedback from a wide variety of people.

So if you’re reading this post, and do come by my blog from time to time – hint hint… – please leave me a comment.