I had a hard time choosing just these photos for this post. When I was in Lisbon last month my wanderlust took me to one of the most mesmerising, interesting and beautiful structures I have ever been to date – the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology or MAAT.

MAAT, located on the banks of the Tagus River is a complex worth visiting. Expect to spend at least half a day there.

The roof juts out, spaceship-like over the entrance. A gentle walk to the rooftop provides a 360 degree view of Lisbon – the river, the bridge, the Padrão dos Descobrimentos and the residential rooftops of the Lisbon suburb, Alcântra.

Amoeba-like in shape, it’s a complex structure that mesmerises the mind – and the finger on the camera shutter button 🙂

Designed by London-based architect, Amanda Levete, it is clad in 15,000 white ceramic tiles.

View from beneath the entrance, the passage on the right, disappears into the distance leading to the roof top.

The Ponte 25 De Abril, peeking out, as seen from the rooftop of the MAAT. Standing on the top, the structure seemed to move and undulate with the wind coming off the river.

Looking out towards the Padrão dos Descobrimentos silhouette’d in the background.

The residential rooftops of the Lisbon suburb, Alcântra. I love it that people come to the rooftop – there is no entrance fee to this section – to sit and chill, relax and enjoy the sun.

The rooftop of the MAAT. All the lines are gentle and curving, much like the cultural proposition of the space.

Walking down from the rooftop, looking towards the Ponte, the design of the steps converting human shadows into pacman-like blocky shapes.

The undulating lines are a photographer’s dream.

The 4 exhibition galleries of the MAAT are located below ground – it was constructed as a place to stimulate critical thinking and dialogue.

The MAAT is a short 10-minute train ride from the Cais do Sodré station – get off at the Alcântra station – it is between the road and the river. Trains runs every 20 minutes on the Cascais line.

The MAAT complex includes the renovated Central Tejo power station with various exhibits.