Tag Archives: currently I am

Currently I am…

Today I’m inspired by this meme I found on The Real Jenty ‘s blog and thought I’d try it out.

Reading: Too many books at once, started many, finishing few. My Goodreads target is to read 24 books this year. I have managed about 4 with just under 6 months to go until the end of the year.

Listening to: The sound of the Hadeda Ibis atop the pine tree. Do you know that they can starve during winter because of the scarcity of food and water for them?

Laughing at: A Spike Milligan short video Irish Astronauts, which Che showed me last night. Very stereotypical and that’s why it works.

Swooning over: The Sony QX100 Smartlens, perfect for travelling or just keeping in my bag for when my phone camera is not enough.

Planning: My overseas trip with my Mom. We leave on the 9th August, back on the 26th of August. Going to the warmth of a European summer.

Eating lots of: Fruit, especially strawberries, yum…

Feeling: Horrified at the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines MH17 over the Ukraine. In this day and age this is simply shocking! My mood is down at the moment.

Discovering: Photography with a real camera.

Looking at: Photos I’ve taken recently and thought “Gee, that wasn’t too bad!”

Wearing: Fleece-lined leggings, old red fluffy polo neck, Kilimanjaro socks. I feel the cold so I make sure to be well insulated.

Cooking: I didn’t cook today. I did make Spanish Omelette last night though. Tonight all I had was vegetable soup.

Wondering: Why is it that health and beauty spas only want to sell you their products? I’m tired of being told what’s good for my skin and body. The prices are exhorbitant. All I want is a facial and a massage.

Trying out: Seed water during the day (cumin, coriander and fennel seeds steeped in boiled water), I’m rather enjoying the taste.

If you’re reading this why don’t you try out this meme and leave me the link in the comments below.

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