Tag Archives: Blu artist

Twist – Graffiti in Lisbon

Walking through Lisbon, you’ll see wall after wall of graceless tasteless graffiti, approximating vandalism than any kind of urban street art.

Imagine my surprise when I came across these abandoned houses painted with such boldness. I stood for a long while admiring the art-work and cleverness of beautifying what would otherwise be an eyesore, into something so pleasing.

This urban art is on Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, Lisbon, and is a collaboration by Italian artist Blu and Brazialian artists, identical twins, Os Gemeos.

Click here to see a stop frame video of how they painted one of the houses.

Chameleon, love his expression
Chameleon, love his expression
Catching stars
Catching stars
Alien king
Alien king